No Matches
Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- r -
- real() : alpaka::internal::Complex< T >
- registerQueue() : alpaka::detail::QueueRegistry< TQueue >, alpaka::DevCpu, alpaka::DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi >
- reinterpretAddress() : alpaka::trait::detail::EmulationBase
- reinterpretValue() : alpaka::trait::detail::EmulationBase
- result : alpaka::rand::engine::PhiloxStateSingle< TCounter, TKey >
- result_type : alpaka::rand::engine::cpu::TinyMTengine, alpaka::rand::Philox4x32x10
- ResultContainer : alpaka::rand::engine::PhiloxBaseCommon< TParams, TImpl >, alpaka::rand::engine::PhiloxVector< TParams >, alpaka::rand::Philox4x32x10Vector
- ResultInt : alpaka::rand::Philox4x32x10Vector
- ResultVec : alpaka::rand::Philox4x32x10Vector
- reverseVec() : alpaka::trait::ReverseVec< Vec< TDim, TVal > >
- rounds : alpaka::rand::engine::PhiloxParams< TCounterSize, TWidth, TRounds >
- Runtime : alpaka::omp::Schedule