bactria  0.0.1
The bactria library is a header-only C++14 library for profiling and tracing.
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Activation.hppPlugin activation file
 Context.hppContext definitions
 Plugin.hppBactria-internal plugin handling
 POSIX.hppPOSIX-specific internals
 Win32.hppWindows-specific internals
 Phase.hppPhase definitions
 Plugin.hppBactria-internal handling of metrics plugins
 PluginInterface.hppInterface for plugin developers
 Sector.hppSector definitions
 Tags.hppTag definitions
 Category.hppCategory definitions
 Colors.hppColor definitions
 Event.hppEvent definitions
 Marker.hppMarker definitions
 Plugin.hppBactria-internal handling of ranges plugins
 PluginInterface.hppInterface for plugin developers
 Range.hppRange definitions
 Incident.hppIncident definition
 IncidentRecorder.hppIncidentRecorder definitions
 Plugin.hppBactria-internal handling of reports plugins
 PluginInterface.hppInterface for plugin developers
 Report.hppReport definition
 bactria.hppMain include file. Users must (only) include this file