bactria  0.0.1
The bactria library is a header-only C++14 library for profiling and tracing.
Class Hierarchy

Go to the graphical class hierarchy

This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 12]
 Cbactria::metrics::BodyThe body tag
 Cbactria::ranges::CategoryDefines a category
 Cbactria::ContextThe context
 Cbactria::metrics::FunctionThe function tag
 Cbactria::metrics::GenericThe generic tag
 Cbactria::reports::Incident< TValue >The incident type
 Cbactria::reports::IncidentRecorder< TValues >Class for dynamic recording of Incidents
 Cbactria::metrics::LoopThe loop tag
 Cbactria::ranges::MarkerThe abstract base class for markers
 Cbactria::ranges::EventThe event class
 Cbactria::ranges::RangeThe range class
 Cbactria::metrics::PhaseThe phase class
 Cbactria::reports::Report< TIncidents >The report class
 Cbactria::metrics::Sector< TTag >The sector class