Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration
No Matches
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1/* Copyright 2022 Axel Huebl, Benjamin Worpitz, Jan Stephan, Bernhard Manfred Gruber
2 * SPDX-License-Identifier: MPL-2.0
3 */
5#pragma once
11#include "alpaka/dim/Traits.hpp"
12#include "alpaka/idx/Traits.hpp"
13#include "alpaka/vec/Vec.hpp"
16#include <utility>
18namespace alpaka
20 //! Get the indices requested.
22 template<typename TOrigin, typename TUnit, typename TIdx, typename TWorkDiv>
23 ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdx(TIdx const& idx, TWorkDiv const& workDiv) -> Vec<Dim<TWorkDiv>, Idx<TIdx>>
24 {
26 }
28 //! Get the indices requested.
30 template<typename TOrigin, typename TUnit, typename TIdxWorkDiv>
31 ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdx(TIdxWorkDiv const& idxWorkDiv) -> Vec<Dim<TIdxWorkDiv>, Idx<TIdxWorkDiv>>
32 {
33 return trait::GetIdx<TIdxWorkDiv, TOrigin, TUnit>::getIdx(idxWorkDiv, idxWorkDiv);
34 }
36 namespace trait
37 {
38 //! The grid block index get trait specialization for classes with IdxGbBase member type.
39 template<typename TIdxGb>
40 struct GetIdx<TIdxGb, origin::Grid, unit::Blocks>
41 {
44 //! \return The index of the current thread in the grid.
46 template<typename TWorkDiv>
47 ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC static auto getIdx(TIdxGb const& idx, TWorkDiv const& workDiv)
49 {
51 }
52 };
54 //! The block thread index get trait specialization for classes with IdxBtBase member type.
55 template<typename TIdxBt>
56 struct GetIdx<TIdxBt, origin::Block, unit::Threads>
57 {
60 //! \return The index of the current thread in the grid.
62 template<typename TWorkDiv>
63 ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC static auto getIdx(TIdxBt const& idx, TWorkDiv const& workDiv)
65 {
67 }
68 };
70 //! The grid thread index get trait specialization.
71 template<typename TIdx>
72 struct GetIdx<TIdx, origin::Grid, unit::Threads>
73 {
74 //! \return The index of the current thread in the grid.
76 template<typename TWorkDiv>
77 ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC static auto getIdx(TIdx const& idx, TWorkDiv const& workDiv)
78 {
79 return alpaka::getIdx<origin::Grid, unit::Blocks>(idx, workDiv)
80 * getWorkDiv<origin::Block, unit::Threads>(workDiv)
81 + alpaka::getIdx<origin::Block, unit::Threads>(idx, workDiv);
82 }
83 };
84 } // namespace trait
86 //! Get the index of the first element this thread computes.
88 template<typename TIdxWorkDiv, typename TGridThreadIdx, typename TThreadElemExtent>
90 [[maybe_unused]] TIdxWorkDiv const& idxWorkDiv,
91 TGridThreadIdx const& gridThreadIdx,
92 TThreadElemExtent const& threadElemExtent) -> Vec<Dim<TIdxWorkDiv>, Idx<TIdxWorkDiv>>
93 {
94 return gridThreadIdx * threadElemExtent;
95 }
97 //! Get the index of the first element this thread computes.
99 template<typename TIdxWorkDiv, typename TGridThreadIdx>
100 ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdxThreadFirstElem(TIdxWorkDiv const& idxWorkDiv, TGridThreadIdx const& gridThreadIdx)
102 {
103 auto const threadElemExtent(alpaka::getWorkDiv<alpaka::Thread, alpaka::Elems>(idxWorkDiv));
104 return getIdxThreadFirstElem(idxWorkDiv, gridThreadIdx, threadElemExtent);
105 }
107 //! Get the index of the first element this thread computes.
109 template<typename TIdxWorkDiv>
110 ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdxThreadFirstElem(TIdxWorkDiv const& idxWorkDiv)
112 {
113 auto const gridThreadIdx(alpaka::getIdx<alpaka::Grid, alpaka::Threads>(idxWorkDiv));
114 return getIdxThreadFirstElem(idxWorkDiv, gridThreadIdx);
115 }
116} // namespace alpaka
A n-dimensional vector.
Definition Vec.hpp:38
Definition Common.hpp:39
Disable nvcc warning: 'calling a host function from host device function.' Usage: ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_...
Definition Common.hpp:82
typename detail::ImplementationBaseType< TInterface, TDerived >::type ImplementationBase
Returns the type that implements the given interface in the inheritance hierarchy.
Definition Interface.hpp:66
The alpaka accelerator library.
typename trait::IdxType< T >::type Idx
Definition Traits.hpp:29
ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_WARNING ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdx(TIdx const &idx, TWorkDiv const &workDiv) -> Vec< Dim< TWorkDiv >, Idx< TIdx > >
Get the indices requested.
Definition Accessors.hpp:23
ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_WARNING ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdxThreadFirstElem(TIdxWorkDiv const &idxWorkDiv, TGridThreadIdx const &gridThreadIdx, TThreadElemExtent const &threadElemExtent) -> Vec< Dim< TIdxWorkDiv >, Idx< TIdxWorkDiv > >
Get the index of the first element this thread computes.
Definition Accessors.hpp:89
interface::ImplementationBase< ConceptIdxBt, TIdxBt > ImplementationBase
Definition Accessors.hpp:58
ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_WARNING static ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdx(TIdxBt const &idx, TWorkDiv const &workDiv) -> Vec< Dim< ImplementationBase >, Idx< ImplementationBase > >
Definition Accessors.hpp:63
interface::ImplementationBase< ConceptIdxGb, TIdxGb > ImplementationBase
Definition Accessors.hpp:42
ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_WARNING static ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdx(TIdxGb const &idx, TWorkDiv const &workDiv) -> Vec< Dim< ImplementationBase >, Idx< ImplementationBase > >
Definition Accessors.hpp:47
ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_WARNING static ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto getIdx(TIdx const &idx, TWorkDiv const &workDiv)
Definition Accessors.hpp:77
The index get trait.
Definition Traits.hpp:42