Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration
No Matches
DeviceGlobalUniformCudaHipBuiltIn.hpp File Reference

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struct  alpaka::detail::DevGlobalTrait< TagGpuCudaRt, T >
struct  alpaka::detail::DevGlobalTrait< TagGpuHipRt, T >


namespace  alpaka
 The alpaka accelerator library.
namespace  alpaka::detail


template<concepts::Tag TTag, typename TApi , bool TBlocking, typename TTypeDst , typename TViewSrc , typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v< TTag, TagGpuCudaRt > &&std::is_same_v< TApi, ApiCudaRt >), int > = 0>
ALPAKA_FN_HOST auto alpaka::memcpy (uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > &queue, alpaka::detail::DevGlobalImplGeneric< TTag, TTypeDst > &viewDst, TViewSrc const &viewSrc)
template<concepts::Tag TTag, typename TApi , bool TBlocking, typename TTypeDst , typename TViewSrc , typename TExtent , typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v< TTag, TagGpuCudaRt > &&std::is_same_v< TApi, ApiCudaRt >), int > = 0>
ALPAKA_FN_HOST auto alpaka::memcpy (uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > &queue, alpaka::detail::DevGlobalImplGeneric< TTag, TTypeDst > &viewDst, TViewSrc const &viewSrc, TExtent extent)
template<concepts::Tag TTag, typename TApi , bool TBlocking, typename TViewDst , typename TTypeSrc , typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v< TTag, TagGpuCudaRt > &&std::is_same_v< TApi, ApiCudaRt >), int > = 0>
ALPAKA_FN_HOST auto alpaka::memcpy (uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > &queue, TViewDst &viewDst, alpaka::detail::DevGlobalImplGeneric< TTag, TTypeSrc > &viewSrc)
template<concepts::Tag TTag, typename TApi , bool TBlocking, typename TViewDst , typename TTypeSrc , typename TExtent , typename std::enable_if_t<(std::is_same_v< TTag, TagGpuCudaRt > &&std::is_same_v< TApi, ApiCudaRt >), int > = 0>
ALPAKA_FN_HOST auto alpaka::memcpy (uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > &queue, TViewDst &viewDst, alpaka::detail::DevGlobalImplGeneric< TTag, TTypeSrc > &viewSrc, TExtent extent)