Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration
No Matches
MapIdx.hpp File Reference
#include "alpaka/core/Common.hpp"
#include "alpaka/core/Unreachable.hpp"
#include "alpaka/vec/Traits.hpp"
#include "alpaka/vec/Vec.hpp"
#include <type_traits>

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namespace  alpaka
 The alpaka accelerator library.


template<std::size_t TDimOut, std::size_t TDimIn, std::size_t TDimExtents, typename TElem >
ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_WARNING ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto alpaka::mapIdx (Vec< DimInt< TDimIn >, TElem > const &in, Vec< DimInt< TDimExtents >, TElem > const &extent) -> Vec< DimInt< TDimOut >, TElem >
 Maps an N-dimensional index to an N-dimensional position. At least one dimension must always be 1 or zero.
template<std::size_t TDimOut, std::size_t TDimIn, std::size_t TidxDimPitch, typename TElem >
ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_WARNING ALPAKA_FN_HOST_ACC auto alpaka::mapIdxPitchBytes (Vec< DimInt< TDimIn >, TElem > const &in, Vec< DimInt< TidxDimPitch >, TElem > const &pitches) -> Vec< DimInt< TDimOut >, TElem >
 Maps an N dimensional index to a N dimensional position based on the pitches of a view without padding or a byte view. At least one dimension must always be 1 or zero.