16 namespace memory_scope
38 template<
typename TMemFence,
typename TMemScope,
typename TSfinae =
60 template<
typename TMemFence,
typename TMemScope>
All functions that can be used on an accelerator have to be attributed with ALPAKA_FN_ACC or ALPAKA_F...
Disable nvcc warning: 'calling a host function from host device function.' Usage: ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_...
typename detail::ImplementationBaseType< TInterface, TDerived >::type ImplementationBase
Returns the type that implements the given interface in the inheritance hierarchy.
The alpaka accelerator library.
ALPAKA_NO_HOST_ACC_WARNING ALPAKA_FN_ACC auto mem_fence(TMemFence const &fence, TMemScope const &scope) -> void
Issues memory fence instructions.
Memory fences are observed by all threads in the same block.
Memory fences are observed by all threads on the device.
Memory fences are observed by all threads in the same grid.