struct | AccToTag |
struct | AccToTag< alpaka::AccGpuCudaRt< TDim, TIdx > > |
struct | AccType |
| The accelerator type trait. More...
struct | AccType< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA accelerator accelerator type trait specialization. More...
struct | AccType< TaskKernelGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TAcc, TDim, TIdx, TKernelFnObj, TArgs... > > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP execution task accelerator type trait specialization. More...
struct | AsyncBufAlloc |
| The stream-ordered memory allocator trait. More...
struct | AsyncBufAlloc< TElem, TDim, TIdx, DevCpu > |
| The BufCpu stream-ordered memory allocation trait specialization. More...
struct | AsyncBufAlloc< TElem, TDim, TIdx, DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP stream-ordered memory allocation trait specialization. More...
struct | AtomicOp |
| The atomic operation trait. More...
struct | AtomicOp< AtomicCas, AtomicUniformCudaHipBuiltIn, T, THierarchy > |
struct | AtomicOp< TOp, AtomicUniformCudaHipBuiltIn, T, THierarchy > |
| Generic atomic implementation. More...
struct | BlockSharedMemDynSizeBytes |
| The trait for getting the size of the block shared dynamic memory of a kernel. More...
struct | BufAlloc |
| The memory allocator trait. More...
struct | BufAlloc< TElem, Dim, TIdx, DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP memory allocation trait specialization. More...
struct | BufAlloc< TElem, TDim, TIdx, DevCpu > |
| The BufCpu memory allocation trait specialization. More...
struct | BufAllocMapped |
| The pinned/mapped memory allocator trait. More...
struct | BufAllocMapped< PlatformCpu, TElem, TDim, TIdx > |
| The pinned/mapped memory allocation trait specialization. More...
struct | BufType |
| The memory buffer type trait. More...
struct | BufType< DevCpu, TElem, TDim, TIdx > |
| The CPU device memory buffer type trait specialization. More...
struct | CastVec |
| Trait for casting a vector. More...
struct | CastVec< TValNew, Vec< TDim, TVal > > |
struct | ConcatVec |
| Trait for concatenating two vectors. More...
struct | ConcatVec< Vec< TDimL, TVal >, Vec< TDimR, TVal > > |
| Concatenation specialization for Vec. More...
struct | CreateSubView |
| The sub view creation trait. More...
struct | CreateTaskKernel |
| The kernel execution task creation trait. More...
struct | CreateTaskKernel< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx >, TWorkDiv, TKernelFnObj, TArgs... > |
| The GPU CUDA accelerator execution task type trait specialization. More...
struct | CreateTaskMemcpy |
| The memory copy task trait. More...
struct | CreateTaskMemcpy< TDim, DevCpu, DevCpu > |
| The CPU device memory copy trait specialization. More...
struct | CreateTaskMemset |
| The memory set task trait. More...
struct | CreateTaskMemset< TDim, DevCpu > |
| The CPU device memory set trait specialization. More...
struct | CreateTaskMemset< TDim, DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA device memory set trait specialization. More...
struct | CreateViewPlainPtr |
| The device memory view creation trait. More...
struct | CreateViewPlainPtr< DevCpu > |
| The CPU device CreateViewPlainPtr trait specialization. More...
struct | CreateViewPlainPtr< DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT device CreateViewPlainPtr trait specialization. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor |
| The thread wait trait. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor< alpaka::generic::detail::EventGenericThreadsImpl< TDev > > |
| The CPU device event implementation thread wait trait specialization. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor< DevCpu > |
| The CPU device thread wait specialization. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor< EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU device event thread wait trait specialization. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor< EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT device event thread wait trait specialization. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor< QueueCpuOmp2Collective > |
| The CPU blocking device queue thread wait trait specialization. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue thread wait trait specialization. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue thread wait trait specialization. More...
struct | CurrentThreadWaitFor< uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT queue thread wait trait specialization. More...
struct | DeclareSharedVar |
| The block shared static memory variable allocation operation trait. More...
struct | DeclareSharedVar< T, TuniqueId, BlockSharedMemStMember< TDataAlignBytes > > |
struct | DeclareSharedVar< T, TuniqueId, BlockSharedMemStMemberMasterSync< TDataAlignBytes > > |
struct | DevType |
| The device type trait. More...
struct | DevType< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA accelerator device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufCpu device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU device event device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT device event device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< PlatformCpu > |
| The CPU device device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< PlatformUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT platform device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< QueueCpuOmp2Collective > |
| The CPU blocking device queue device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< std::array< TElem, Tsize > > |
| The std::array device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< std::vector< TElem, TAllocator > > |
| The std::vector device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< TaskKernelGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TAcc, TDim, TIdx, TKernelFnObj, TArgs... > > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP execution task device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< TDev, std::enable_if_t< interface::ImplementsInterface< ConceptDev, TDev >::value > > |
| Get device type. More...
struct | DevType< uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT blocking queue device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | DevType< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewPlainPtr device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DevType< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView device type trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType |
| The dimension getter type trait. More...
struct | DimType< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA accelerator dimension getter trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< bt::IdxBtLinear< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The IdxBtLinear index dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< bt::IdxBtRefThreadIdMap< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The CPU threads accelerator index dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufCpu dimension getter trait. More...
struct | DimType< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt dimension getter trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< gb::IdxGbLinear< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The IdxGbLinear index dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< gb::IdxGbRef< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The IdxGbRef grid block index dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< std::array< TElem, Tsize > > |
| The std::array dimension getter trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< std::vector< TElem, TAllocator > > |
| The std::vector dimension getter trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::Contains< alpaka::detail::CudaHipBuiltinTypes1, T >::value > > |
| The CUDA/HIP vectors 1D dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::Contains< alpaka::detail::CudaHipBuiltinTypes2, T >::value > > |
| The CUDA/HIP vectors 2D dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::Contains< alpaka::detail::CudaHipBuiltinTypes3, T >::value > > |
| The CUDA/HIP vectors 3D dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< T, std::enable_if_t< meta::Contains< alpaka::detail::CudaHipBuiltinTypes4, T >::value > > |
| The CUDA/HIP vectors 4D dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > |
| The arithmetic type dimension getter trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< TaskKernelGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TAcc, TDim, TIdx, TKernelFnObj, TArgs... > > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP execution task dimension getter trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< Vec< TDim, TVal > > |
| The Vec dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | DimType< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewPlainPtr dimension getter trait. More...
struct | DimType< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView dimension getter trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< WorkDivMembers< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The WorkDivMembers dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | DimType< WorkDivUniformCudaHipBuiltIn< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP accelerator work division dimension get trait specialization. More...
struct | ElemType |
| The element type trait. More...
struct | ElemType< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufCpu memory element type get trait specialization. More...
struct | ElemType< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt memory element type get trait specialization. More...
struct | ElemType< std::array< TElem, Tsize > > |
| The std::array memory element type get trait specialization. More...
struct | ElemType< std::vector< TElem, TAllocator > > |
| The std::vector memory element type get trait specialization. More...
struct | ElemType< T, std::enable_if_t< alpaka::detail::isCudaHipBuiltInType< T > > > |
| The CUDA/HIP vectors elem type trait specialization. More...
struct | ElemType< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_fundamental_v< T > > > |
| The fundamental type elem type trait specialization. More...
struct | ElemType< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | ElemType< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewPlainPtr memory element type get trait specialization. More...
struct | ElemType< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView memory element type get trait specialization. More...
struct | Empty |
| The queue empty trait. More...
struct | Empty< QueueCpuOmp2Collective > |
| The CPU blocking device queue test trait specialization. More...
struct | Empty< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue test trait specialization. More...
struct | Empty< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue test trait specialization. More...
struct | Empty< uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT queue test trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue |
| The queue enqueue trait. More...
struct | Enqueue< alpaka::generic::detail::QueueGenericThreadsBlockingImpl< TDev >, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< alpaka::generic::detail::QueueGenericThreadsNonBlockingImpl< TDev >, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< cpu::detail::QueueCpuOmp2CollectiveImpl, EventCpu > |
| The CPU OpenMP2 collective device queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueCpuOmp2Collective, EventCpu > |
| The CPU OpenMP2 collective device queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueCpuOmp2Collective, TaskKernelCpuOmp2Blocks< TDim, TIdx, TKernelFnObj, TArgs... > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue enqueue trait specialization. This default implementation for all tasks directly invokes the function call operator of the task. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueCpuOmp2Collective, test::EventHostManualTriggerCpu<> > |
struct | Enqueue< QueueCpuOmp2Collective, TTask > |
| The CPU blocking device queue enqueue trait specialization. This default implementation for all tasks directly invokes the function call operator of the task. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueCudaRtBlocking, test::EventHostManualTriggerCuda > |
struct | Enqueue< QueueCudaRtNonBlocking, test::EventHostManualTriggerCuda > |
struct | Enqueue< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev >, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev >, test::EventHostManualTriggerCpu< TDev > > |
struct | Enqueue< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev >, TTask > |
| The CPU blocking device queue enqueue trait specialization. This default implementation for all tasks directly invokes the function call operator of the task. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev >, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev >, test::EventHostManualTriggerCpu< TDev > > |
struct | Enqueue< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev >, TTask > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue enqueue trait specialization. This default implementation for all tasks directly invokes the function call operator of the task. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtBlocking< TApi >, alpaka::detail::TaskSetUniformCudaHip< TApi, DimInt< 0u >, TView, TExtent > > |
| The CUDA blocking device queue scalar set enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtBlocking< TApi >, alpaka::detail::TaskSetUniformCudaHip< TApi, DimInt< 1u >, TView, TExtent > > |
| The CUDA blocking device queue 1D set enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtBlocking< TApi >, alpaka::detail::TaskSetUniformCudaHip< TApi, DimInt< 2u >, TView, TExtent > > |
| The CUDA blocking device queue 2D set enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtBlocking< TApi >, alpaka::detail::TaskSetUniformCudaHip< TApi, DimInt< 3u >, TView, TExtent > > |
| The CUDA blocking device queue 3D set enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtBlocking< TApi >, EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtNonBlocking< TApi >, alpaka::detail::TaskSetUniformCudaHip< TApi, DimInt< 0u >, TView, TExtent > > |
| The CUDA non-blocking device queue scalar set enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtNonBlocking< TApi >, alpaka::detail::TaskSetUniformCudaHip< TApi, DimInt< 1u >, TView, TExtent > > |
| The CUDA non-blocking device queue 1D set enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtNonBlocking< TApi >, alpaka::detail::TaskSetUniformCudaHip< TApi, DimInt< 2u >, TView, TExtent > > |
| The CUDA non-blocking device queue 2D set enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtNonBlocking< TApi >, alpaka::detail::TaskSetUniformCudaHip< TApi, DimInt< 3u >, TView, TExtent > > |
| The CUDA non-blocking device queue 3D set enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< QueueUniformCudaHipRtNonBlocking< TApi >, EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking >, TaskKernelGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TAcc, TDim, TIdx, TKernelFnObj, TArgs... > > |
| The CUDA/HIP kernel enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | Enqueue< uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking >, TTask > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT blocking queue enqueue trait specialization. More...
struct | EventType |
| The event type trait. More...
struct | EventType< QueueCpuOmp2Collective > |
| The CPU blocking device queue event type trait specialization. More...
struct | EventType< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue event type trait specialization. More...
struct | EventType< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue event type trait specialization. More...
struct | EventType< uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT blocking queue event type trait specialization. More...
struct | Ffs |
| The ffs trait. More...
struct | Free |
| The memory free trait. More...
struct | FreeSharedVars |
| The block shared static memory free operation trait. More...
struct | FreeSharedVars< BlockSharedMemStMember< TDataAlignBytes > > |
struct | FreeSharedVars< BlockSharedMemStMemberMasterSync< TDataAlignBytes > > |
struct | FunctionAttributes |
| The structure template to access to the functions attributes of a kernel function object. More...
struct | FunctionAttributes< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx >, TDev, TKernelFn, TArgs... > |
| Specialisation of the class template FunctionAttributes. More...
struct | GetAccDevProps |
| The device properties get trait. More...
struct | GetAccDevProps< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA accelerator device properties get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetAccName |
| The accelerator name trait. More...
struct | GetAccName< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA accelerator name trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev |
| The device get trait. More...
struct | GetDev< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufCpu device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU device event device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT device event device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< QueueCpuOmp2Collective > |
| The CPU blocking device queue device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< std::array< TElem, Tsize > > |
| The std::array device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< std::vector< TElem, TAllocator > > |
| The std::vector device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< test::EventHostManualTriggerCpu< TDev > > |
| The CPU device event device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< test::EventHostManualTriggerCuda > |
| The CPU device event device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT queue device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | GetDev< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewPlainPtr device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDev< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDevByIdx |
| The device get trait. More...
struct | GetDevByIdx< PlatformCpu > |
| The CPU platform device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDevByIdx< PlatformUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT platform device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDevCount |
| The device count get trait. More...
struct | GetDevCount< PlatformCpu > |
| The CPU platform device count get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDevCount< PlatformUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT platform device count get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetDynSharedMem |
| The block shared dynamic memory get trait. More...
struct | GetExtent |
| The extent get trait. More...
struct | GetExtents |
| The GetExtents trait for getting the extents of an object as an alpaka::Vec. More...
struct | GetExtents< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufCpu width get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetExtents< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt extent get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetExtents< Integral, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< Integral > > > |
struct | GetExtents< std::array< TElem, Tsize > > |
struct | GetExtents< std::vector< TElem, TAllocator > > |
struct | GetExtents< TCudaHipBuiltin, std::enable_if_t< alpaka::detail::isCudaHipBuiltInType< TCudaHipBuiltin > > > |
struct | GetExtents< Vec< TDim, TVal > > |
| The Vec extent get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetExtents< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | GetExtents< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
struct | GetExtents< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView width get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetFreeMemBytes |
| The device free memory size get trait. More...
struct | GetIdx |
| The index get trait. More...
struct | GetIdx< bt::IdxBtLinear< DimInt< 1u >, TIdx >, origin::Block, unit::Threads > |
struct | GetIdx< bt::IdxBtLinear< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Block, unit::Threads > |
| The IdxBtLinear block thread index get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetIdx< bt::IdxBtRefThreadIdMap< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Block, unit::Threads > |
| The CPU threads accelerator block thread index get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetIdx< gb::IdxGbLinear< DimInt< 1u >, TIdx >, origin::Grid, unit::Blocks > |
struct | GetIdx< gb::IdxGbLinear< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Grid, unit::Blocks > |
| The IdxGbLinear grid block index get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetIdx< gb::IdxGbRef< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Grid, unit::Blocks > |
| The IdxGbRef grid block index grid block index get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetIdx< TIdx, origin::Grid, unit::Threads > |
| The grid thread index get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetIdx< TIdxBt, origin::Block, unit::Threads > |
| The block thread index get trait specialization for classes with IdxBtBase member type. More...
struct | GetIdx< TIdxGb, origin::Grid, unit::Blocks > |
| The grid block index get trait specialization for classes with IdxGbBase member type. More...
struct | GetMemBytes |
| The device memory size get trait. More...
struct | GetName |
| The device name get trait. More...
struct | GetOffset |
| The x offset get trait. More...
struct | GetOffsets |
| The GetOffsets trait for getting the offsets of an object as an alpaka::Vec. More...
struct | GetOffsets< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufCpu offset get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetOffsets< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt offset get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetOffsets< std::array< TElem, Tsize > > |
| The std::array offset get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetOffsets< std::vector< TElem, TAllocator > > |
| The std::vector offset get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetOffsets< TCudaHipBuiltin, std::enable_if_t< alpaka::detail::isCudaHipBuiltInType< TCudaHipBuiltin > > > |
struct | GetOffsets< TIntegral, std::enable_if_t< std::is_integral_v< TIntegral > > > |
| The unsigned integral x offset get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetOffsets< Vec< TDim, TVal > > |
| The Vec offset get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetOffsets< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | GetOffsets< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewPlainPtr offset get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetOffsets< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView x offset get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPitchBytes |
| The pitch in bytes. This is the distance in bytes in the linear memory between two consecutive elements in the next higher dimension (TIdx-1). More...
struct | GetPitchesInBytes |
| Customization point for getPitchesInBytes. The default implementation uses the extent to calculate the pitches. More...
struct | GetPitchesInBytes< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
struct | GetPitchesInBytes< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | GetPitchesInBytes< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
struct | GetPitchesInBytes< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView pitch get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPreferredWarpSize |
| The device preferred warp size get trait. More...
struct | GetPtrDev |
| The pointer on device get trait. More...
struct | GetPtrDev< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx >, DevCpu > |
| The BufCpu pointer on device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPtrDev< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx >, DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The BufCpu pointer on CUDA/HIP device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPtrDev< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx >, DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt pointer on device get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPtrNative |
| The native pointer get trait. More...
struct | GetPtrNative< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufCpu native pointer get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPtrNative< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt native pointer get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPtrNative< std::array< TElem, Tsize > > |
| The std::array native pointer get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPtrNative< std::vector< TElem, TAllocator > > |
| The std::vector native pointer get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPtrNative< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | GetPtrNative< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewPlainPtr native pointer get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetPtrNative< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView native pointer get trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWarpSizes |
| The device warp size get trait. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv |
| The work div trait. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< TWorkDiv, origin::Block, unit::Elems > |
| The work div block element extent trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< TWorkDiv, origin::Grid, unit::Elems > |
| The work div grid element extent trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< TWorkDiv, origin::Grid, unit::Threads > |
| The work div grid thread extent trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< WorkDivMembers< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Block, unit::Threads > |
| The WorkDivMembers block thread extent trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< WorkDivMembers< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Grid, unit::Blocks > |
| The WorkDivMembers grid block extent trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< WorkDivMembers< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Thread, unit::Elems > |
| The WorkDivMembers thread element extent trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< WorkDivUniformCudaHipBuiltIn< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Block, unit::Threads > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP accelerator work division block thread extent trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< WorkDivUniformCudaHipBuiltIn< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Grid, unit::Blocks > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP accelerator work division grid block extent trait specialization. More...
struct | GetWorkDiv< WorkDivUniformCudaHipBuiltIn< TDim, TIdx >, origin::Thread, unit::Elems > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP accelerator work division thread element extent trait specialization. More...
struct | HasAsyncBufSupport |
| The stream-ordered memory allocation capability trait. More...
struct | HasAsyncBufSupport< TDim, DevCpu > |
| The BufCpu stream-ordered memory allocation capability trait specialization. More...
struct | HasAsyncBufSupport< TDim, DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP stream-ordered memory allocation capability trait specialization. More...
struct | HasMappedBufSupport |
| The pinned/mapped memory allocation capability trait. More...
struct | HasMappedBufSupport< PlatformCpu > |
| The pinned/mapped memory allocation capability trait specialization. More...
struct | HasMappedBufSupport< PlatformUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The pinned/mapped memory allocation capability trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType |
| The idx type trait. More...
struct | IdxType< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA accelerator idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< bt::IdxBtLinear< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The IdxBtLinear block thread index idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< bt::IdxBtRefThreadIdMap< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The CPU threads accelerator block thread index idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< BufCpu< TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufCpu idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< BufUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The BufUniformCudaHipRt idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< gb::IdxGbLinear< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The IdxGbLinear grid block index idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< gb::IdxGbRef< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The IdxGbRef grid block index idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< std::array< TElem, Tsize > > |
| The std::vector idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< std::vector< TElem, TAllocator > > |
| The std::vector idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< T, std::enable_if_t< std::is_arithmetic_v< T > > > |
| The arithmetic idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< TaskKernelGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TAcc, TDim, TIdx, TKernelFnObj, TArgs... > > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP execution task idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< TIdx, std::enable_if_t< alpaka::detail::isCudaHipBuiltInType< TIdx > > > |
| The CUDA/HIP vectors idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< Vec< TDim, TVal > > |
| The Vec idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< ViewConst< TView > > |
struct | IdxType< ViewPlainPtr< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewPlainPtr idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< ViewSubView< TDev, TElem, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The ViewSubView idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< WorkDivMembers< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The WorkDivMembers idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IdxType< WorkDivUniformCudaHipBuiltIn< TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA/HIP accelerator work division idx type trait specialization. More...
struct | IsComplete |
| The event tester trait. More...
struct | IsComplete< EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU device event test trait specialization. More...
struct | IsComplete< EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT device event test trait specialization. More...
struct | IsComplete< test::EventHostManualTriggerCpu< TDev > > |
| The CPU device event test trait specialization. More...
struct | IsComplete< test::EventHostManualTriggerCuda > |
| The CPU device event test trait specialization. More...
struct | IsMultiThreadAcc |
| The multi thread accelerator trait. More...
struct | IsMultiThreadAcc< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA multi thread accelerator type trait specialization. More...
struct | IsSingleThreadAcc |
| The single thread accelerator trait. More...
struct | IsSingleThreadAcc< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The GPU CUDA single thread accelerator type trait specialization. More...
struct | Malloc |
| The memory allocation trait. More...
struct | MemFence |
| The mem_fence trait. More...
struct | NativeHandle |
| The native handle trait. More...
struct | NativeHandle< EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT event native handle trait specialization. More...
struct | NativeHandle< uniform_cuda_hip::detail::QueueUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TBlocking > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT blocking queue native handle trait specialization. More...
struct | OmpSchedule |
| The trait for getting the schedule to use when a kernel is run using the CpuOmp2Blocks accelerator. More...
struct | PlatformType |
| The platform type trait. More...
struct | PlatformType< AccGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TDim, TIdx > > |
| The CPU CUDA execution task platform type trait specialization. More...
struct | PlatformType< DevCpu > |
| The CPU device platform type trait specialization. More...
struct | PlatformType< TaskKernelGpuUniformCudaHipRt< TApi, TAcc, TDim, TIdx, TKernelFnObj, TArgs... > > |
| The CPU CUDA/HIP execution task platform type trait specialization. More...
struct | PlatformType< TPlatform, std::enable_if_t< interface::ImplementsInterface< ConceptPlatform, TPlatform >::value > > |
struct | Popcount |
| The popcount trait. More...
struct | QueueType |
| Queue for an accelerator. More...
struct | QueueType< DevCpu, Blocking > |
struct | QueueType< DevCpu, NonBlocking > |
struct | QueueType< TAcc, TProperty, std::enable_if_t< interface::ImplementsInterface< ConceptAcc, TAcc >::value > > |
struct | QueueType< TPlatform, TProperty, std::enable_if_t< interface::ImplementsInterface< ConceptPlatform, TPlatform >::value > > |
struct | Reset |
| The device reset trait. More...
struct | ReverseVec |
| Trait for reversing a vector. More...
struct | ReverseVec< Vec< TDim, TVal > > |
| ReverseVec specialization for Vec. More...
struct | SubVecFromIndices |
| Trait for selecting a sub-vector. More...
struct | SubVecFromIndices< Vec< TDim, TVal >, std::index_sequence< TIndices... > > |
| Specialization for selecting a sub-vector. More...
struct | SyncBlockThreads |
| The block synchronization operation trait. More...
struct | SyncBlockThreads< BlockSyncBarrierOmp > |
struct | SyncBlockThreads< BlockSyncBarrierThread< TIdx > > |
struct | SyncBlockThreadsPredicate |
| The block synchronization and predicate operation trait. More...
struct | SyncBlockThreadsPredicate< TOp, BlockSyncBarrierOmp > |
struct | SyncBlockThreadsPredicate< TOp, BlockSyncBarrierThread< TIdx > > |
struct | TagToAcc |
struct | TagToAcc< alpaka::TagGpuCudaRt, TDim, TIdx > |
struct | WaiterWaitFor |
| The waiter wait trait. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< alpaka::generic::detail::QueueGenericThreadsBlockingImpl< TDev >, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< alpaka::generic::detail::QueueGenericThreadsNonBlockingImpl< TDev >, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< cpu::detail::QueueCpuOmp2CollectiveImpl, EventCpu > |
| The CPU OpenMP2 collective device queue event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< DevUniformCudaHipRt< TApi >, EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT device event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< QueueCpuOmp2Collective, EventCpu > |
| The CPU OpenMP2 collective queue event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< QueueGenericThreadsBlocking< TDev >, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU blocking device queue event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< QueueGenericThreadsNonBlocking< TDev >, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device queue event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< QueueUniformCudaHipRtBlocking< TApi >, EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT queue event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< QueueUniformCudaHipRtNonBlocking< TApi >, EventUniformCudaHipRt< TApi > > |
| The CUDA/HIP RT queue event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WaiterWaitFor< TDev, EventGenericThreads< TDev > > |
| The CPU non-blocking device event wait trait specialization. More...
struct | WarpSize |
| The trait for getting the warp size required by a kernel. More...