Abstraction Library for Parallel Kernel Acceleration
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alpaka::detail::ParallelForImpl< TKernel, TSchedule, TScheduleKind > Struct Template Reference

Executor of parallel OpenMP loop with the given schedule. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename TKernel, typename TSchedule, omp::Schedule::Kind TScheduleKind>
struct alpaka::detail::ParallelForImpl< TKernel, TSchedule, TScheduleKind >

Executor of parallel OpenMP loop with the given schedule.

Is explicitly specialized for all supported schedule kinds to help code optimization by compilers.

Template Parameters
TKernelThe kernel type.
TScheduleThe schedule type (not necessarily omp::Schedule).
TScheduleKindThe schedule kind value.

Definition at line 59 of file TaskKernelCpuOmp2Blocks.hpp.

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